About Rolé Records.

Boro once said to Sungkéh what if  “Our role is, trying to help them achieve their dreams and help them to become the main role in their own story” I said fug it, lego and we ran with “Our role is to help you become the main role” as our Motto, Vision, and Mission. That is why we called it Rolé Records. We just wanted to create an opportunity for the people and to the people who had so much in them and wanted to put it out there but didn’t have the platform or the resources to let it fly, no bs we just wanted that, and the word role came to us because I just combined the first two words in our name Ro and El and became roel, but Boro said no, lets just called it role, because like our conversation before, we just a role player not the main role. I said okay but I want the e in Role with this é because the first letter of my name is e. So that’s the origin story of Rolé Records, it’s not that deep.

 – Sungkéh

@ 2023 Role Records, All Rights Reserved
